Chronic Hope

Community, Connection, Hope

By chronically ill people, for chronically ill people.

Chronic Hope was born out of a story of struggle, healing, and hope. We are working to create an environment of hope within the chronic illness community by developing resources, community programs, and products specifically designed to make life brighter.

Our Initiatives

A collaborative art program between Chronic Hope and chronically ill artists, designers, and creatives.

Art Flare

Our online store featuring our first product: The Hope Bottle, as well as merch and other items.

Port of Hope

Spoonie Confessions

Hear stories from the chronic illness community


Curated playlists and original music


Resources, stories, and advice from the community

Spoonie Magazine

Share your stories and experience of chronic illness

“Living with chronic illness is not just an everyday battle, it's a constant fight for your life”

— Jami Emerson (Founder)

Our partners

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